Accounting Division
The Accounting Function in the Department is responsible for the preparing and distributing quarterly financial statements, annual budget, and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. To contact us, please call (561) 540-5000.
Listed below are a few of our financial data:
Town of Lantana's Annual Financial Report pursuant to Ch. 2011-144
Pension Reporting per F.S.S. 166.241
Contact Us
Please email to request files of documents you do not currently see below. All documents are formatted with accessibility features.
FY 2023-2024 Adopted Budget
FY 2023-2024 Budget Amendment from 7-8-2024 Council Meeting
FY 2022-2023 Adopted Budget
FY 2022-2023 Budget Amendment from 10-09-2023 Council Meeting
FY 2022-2023 Budget Amendment from 4-10-2023 Council Meeting
FY 2021-2022 Adopted Budget
FY 2021-2022 Budget Amendment from 9-12-2022 Council Meeting
FY 2021-2022 Budget Amendment from 4-11-2022 Council Meeting
FY 2020-2021 Adopted Budget
FY 2020-2021 Budget Amendment from 9-23-2021 Council Meeting
FY 2020-2021 Budget Amendment from 4-12-2021 Council Meeting
FY 2019-2020 Adopted Budget
FY 2019-2020 Budget Amendment from 9-14-2020 Council Meeting
FY 2019-2020 Budget Amendment from 4-27-2020 Council Meeting