George Floyd Statement

June 1, 2020

To all in Palm Beach County;

“On behalf of our entire Palm Beach County Association of Chiefs of Police, and in alliance with the Florida Police Chiefs Association, we condemn the murder of Mr. George Floyd and the actions of Officer Chauvin and the inactions other law enforcement officers responsible for his preventable death.”

“These actions do not reflect any of our member agency’s policies, procedures, or training and the actions and inactions of all of the officers involved do not represent the high standards of professional excellence in law enforcement that we value.”

“We offer our deepest heartfelt sympathies to the family of Mr. George Floyd as well as our thoughts and prayers during this tragic time.”

“We are committed to protecting and serving the residents, business owners, and visitors to Palm Beach County and we will continue to maintain and further promote public trust within our communities.”

“The ongoing mission of the Palm Beach County Association of Chiefs of Police is to promote professionalism in law enforcement within Palm Beach County.  Our coordinated efforts with the many law enforcement agencies that serve Palm Beach County as well as the public and private organizations allows us to continuously examine and improve the administration of criminal justice in our communities.”

“The events surrounding the death of Mr. George Floyd have deeply affected the entire Country and we must work together to end the violence and rioting across our nation.” 

“We support the peaceful protests within our communities, and it is our goal to ensure unity and trust between law enforcement and the public we serve.”



Clint Shannon

Chief Clint Shannon
